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Monday, 7 February 2022

Windy weekend .

Well that was a windy weekend , Saturday was sunny but Sunday  was far to windy  for me .

This week raced away yet again , but I did go out a few times .

Not much happening at the moment I find the winter months dark and boring , and can't seem to get going even with lots of things to do I can't seem to settle .

I stitch more at night time , and don't really want to pull my stitching out untill then.

Maybe when it gets warmer I will start stitching more in the daytime in the sun room  but if the sun is not out the rain makes so much noise ,

I do have a new finish to show you , and my knitting , another book you might like .

I have been spending alot of time looking for a large ginger bread house chart well I have now found one and  if I find another I like I will stitch another to  , trouble is I then start finding more designs I would love to stitch and really have to tell my self no , but that only lasts a moment ha.

If I get on ESTY I can waste  all day and have an empty purse , I try to limit my time on there if possible !

                         So new stitch and finish just in time for next week .

 This was a monthly set of charts from the time windows by Marula.

It was such a fun stitch and I really loved  stitching it  .  Stitched on 28 ct on a oddment of material  .

              I still need to set it on to some board  and pull it in at the back a bit more .

Knitting next  well don't laugh I have had this pack over 30 years and thought it's about time I should knit it . 

 I use to knit for years and as a job and  I really went off knitting for a long time , just knitting the odd thing for the family .Then I worked in a wool shop and use to spend my wages on packs of wool . 

So I think I should try and get some knitted up at last,

They may not even sell the wool any more ha.

I like the style of this one not to baggy .


Pretty plain with some pattern at the top and sleeves .
 Lovely fun wool .

                                                   Close up you can see the pretty colours .

                                              Knitting it I would say it's a Aran weight 

                                                     Book of the week .

                                    If you have little ones , this is a lovely book  to have in your book case. 

                                                             Another sweet french book .

Hubby found some sale ornaments again so more on the living wall.

                                                           How cute is he .


                                       This one is beautiful , and we have not paid full price for any of them .    

                               Can't wait to dress it up with lots of plants in the summer months.

                      The Christmas rose is out now and I have one snow drop out .

                                 Hope to have lots more flowers out next week .
                           In the mean time hubby keeps me happy with brought ones .

Well looking forward to reading your blogs this week and seeing what you are all working on 

Have a wonderful week and keep smiling  and enjoy your craft work and stitching f .


  1. Your February stitch is so cute! What a pretty sweater you will create. Love the daffodils from Ron!

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  3. Your Feb stitch is so sweet, I just love the pretty heart under the letter F. Love your new bird and bunny!! Still under lots of ice here, I can't imagine having flowers this time of year! The single pink flower is gorgeous, is that a rose or snowdrop? How sweet of your husband to keep you in flowers!! I'm glad the days are getting longer, hopefully that will give me more energy soon!

  4. Super finish and very colourful knitting, have a lovely week

  5. That sweater is going to be beautiful. I love the yarn. Those figurines are adorable.

  6. Those daffs look so beautiful June. Your new finish is beautiful too & I just adore the jumper you are knitting - that wool looks so soft & lovely. Enjoy your week June xx

  7. A nice motif for February, I like it very much, and you did a great finish again. The wool for your sweater looks great, really colorful but not too heavy.
    What cute motifs in the book, I like it.
    have a good week, Martina

  8. La laine est magnifique dans ces dégradés pastel.
    Je te souhaite une belle semaine ma chère June

  9. Your February stitchery looks funny, I love black cats ;-) And now it's time vor this knitted sweater, a new but very nice project.
    Good luck and enjoy your week!

  10. A wonderful finish for Febraury.
    I like the color for your knitting sweater. Happy Knitting.
    The little bunny and bird are very cute.
    The book is so pretty. I have it, too.
    Have a nice day, Manuela

  11. I just love Reading your Posts - your finishes are so cute and so adorable.

    Love your Sweater - this is going to be so pretty.

    I love the Book - it is vintage looking too...

    Take care & Happy Stitching - Knitting
    Linda K, Buttercup

  12. Your February finish is adorable, June--such a bright, happy piece for the month. Yes, winter is long and dreary. I am SO tired of seeing nothing but snow outside, although, I have to admit that the ice storm made everything look so pretty and magical last week.

    The yarn colors are so soft and pretty! And I love the sweet book--such darling children and patterns. I can't wait to see your living wall all dressed up with plants--I'm sure you can't either.

    Do take care and I hope February goes quickly and March (and spring!) will be here soon. ♥

  13. What pretty yarn June! That sweater is going to be very cute. I love your February stitched piece too. Do you plan on stitching the entire year?

  14. Yes it's been very windy here too, but not much rain so not too bad. Your jumper looks like it will be lovely and soft, love the colours, and your little monthly peice is cute. Have a good rest of the week x

  15. Pretty little February stitched design, such a lovely finish and that gorgeous wool and pattern you are knitting. fabulous. I never know what to knit these days, I´ve always liked the hobby but now the kids are grown and the grandkids seek other fashions.

  16. Ooh what a nice finish for Feb. I like it.
    What a pretty swaeter. I like the yarn.
    Have a wonderful week and Happy knitting/stitching :)

  17. Dear June,
    I love your February stitchery and you knit too, wonderful! I like the wool very much.
    Thank you for the many beautiful photos, dear February greetings from Germany, Jutta

  18. I really like the February stitching. The wool for your sweater looks very soft and has a pretty pattern, happy knitting.
    It's been windy and cold here all week. I'll be happy when it finally gets warmer again.
    hugs Andrea

  19. Wonderfull talking.I´m waiting for spring time.
    Best wishes to you a your husband ☺

  20. June: I always love visiting your blog, you have so many beautiful designs that you stitch, and sharing the books you have is a treat.
    Sweet February finish, thank-you for sharing the floral photos, it has been raining snowing and sleeting today.


  21. Hello June, I haven't commented for a while, but I always read your blog. I love the sweater you're knitting. Like you, I have been a knitter all my life, but didn't do much for years (it seemed to go out of fashion, didn't it?), but now I knit all the time, in between stitching! The french cross stitch designs are so pretty, I must look for some. Take care, love Diana x
