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Monday 22 July 2024

Quick Hello .

Just a very Quick hello today ,

I am still busy with life but I have another small  finish stitch to show you , but still no finishing . We have  had a full  busy week again . Even went to a Christmas party on Saturday , It was held because not everyone has time at Christmas , it was fun but strange , but it was raining again so it felt more like Christmas.

Today we have some sunshine at last , Just hope it stays a bit longer .

So I am still rushing about , but I did manage to stitch this lovely deign by Dany 

Anemones one of my favorite flowers .

             And now some flowers but not so good as last years .


                  My tree now reaches way up needs a trim soon.

My princess Dianna  clematis is really doing well this year.

                          You can see how dull it has been here by the photos .
                             This was the garden last year with sun shine .

I do hope you are all having much better weather than we have had but Today is a good one for us .

Sunday 14 July 2024

Another Stitch.

 Wow the weeks are passing away so fast . 

I seem to be spinning plates every day , can't seem to get in some kind of routine  at all, I am still stitching away but not finishing  my stitching , so when I get some time I must get some work fully finished . I now have a box full ready to finish .

The weather has been very bad lots of rain and dark days .

The sun is out now but for how long will it stay there , the other night I looked out of the window , and the water was like a river running down the road.

I have only seen one butterfly this Summer and three in the Spring . But we have a new busy body a cute baby hedgehog , his little legs are no help so he rolls down the steps.  

The news does not help always bad , but we did win the football , but  only the last few moments were enjoyable , it was so slow. 

So will watch the final later  , and the tennis.

Thank goodness I have my stitching , that takes me in a happy place when I can't get into my garden , I said to hubby we have only sat outside  twice his summer .

 So this week I worked on another Dany chart of Roses and Lavender  .

                 I love Dany's charts so easy to stitch but very elegant.

                         This one will be going on to another box , if it fits ! 

Below my sweet peas are starting to bloom I just love the colours this year but they have very short steams .

Here he is our little Hedge hog so sweet it's a baby .
His legs are so small he rolls over the wall.

And now he is  thinking how do I get down there ?

So sweet .
See you soon .
Hope you all have a great week .

Tuesday 2 July 2024


 Oh it's July !  .

1/2 the year now just  flew by , how did that happen , we have had a few sunny days so far , but to hot to really enjoy,

Now they are saying part of July will be a wash out with lots of rain ! I hope they are wrong  and with all the bad news around the world  , well we need our stitching  even more  gives us a happy place . 

I needed another sewing box just a small one to keep close by when stitching , I have just finished the stitching but now have to find my small box I think I have one just the right size , so next week will show the finish . But I can show you the stitching . 

I am still getting some lovely cards and gifts thank you all. 

                                      THANK YOU.

So here is my my lovely fun stitching , it was a free chart from a lovely lady.

Crocette  a gogo Sal 2024.

Really enjoyed stitching this one I did add a little back stitching to it , because of my material colour. 

                      Just need to put it on to my box now .

                Some more lovely gifts from friends  Thank you.

                                 From sweet Natalie  thank you so much .

                                         From Erna  another lovely card.

And below from Vickie . Thank You to all my friends  , I have had so many gifts and cards there are more to see on future blogs .

                                    The photos are a bit dull today sorry .

             From my garden the flowers are looking beautiful even in the strange weather .


                                        Enjoy the first week of July my sweet friends.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Time is racing away.

 Here we are and time is still racing away with us .

Christmas is in my mind so looks like I will start early with Christmas stitching  this year. 

Every one seems to be saying the same .

 Sun is showing his face now and again, and we may get a few nice days coming in very soon. 

I am going to show today my rose stitch  for the Stick 6 in 2024 kindly run by 

Manuela and Martina , the theme was for a rose ,

I also want to show some lovely hand stitched and hand made cards , that were stitched for my Birthday they are all so pretty , everyone is so kind, thank you my sweet friends . A BIG THANK YOU to you all my sweet friends who sent me all kinds of cards and gifts . I will show you some this week and next week.

I have been so blessed with friendships , some cards came as video  to and lots and lots of gifts , Thank you sweet friends for every thing .

So first  up is my Stick 6 in 2024  the name of this stitch was a rose .

    I stitched a table topper , it was an old pattern I had out of a mag a long long time ago .


 And now for some lovely cards first up from my dear friend Carol.

I will in the future make all cards into something , I have a few ideas .

                                 FROM     CAROL

Thank you .

from ANDREA 


Thank you from Jutta 


Thank you from Martina  Handmade 

Thank you from 

Thank you from Gabi 

I also thank every one for all your beautiful gifts I love them all.
So now a few flowers from the garden  .


                                    Enjoy a great week . 

 We are going to have a very hot week  so we will see.

                  Thank you again for everyone of my friends for all the lovely cards and gifts . 
I have had a full and busy week looks the same this coming week .💗

So will try and come back  to you all very soon .

Monday 10 June 2024


 Almost Summer now we are into the month of June, I like this month .

Not to hot so you can sit outside and enjoy any sunny days we have . 

We have now put most of the outside furniture out .  Great to sit out with a coffee and take in a few rays of sun shine and watch the busy bees 

This last week was so  busy , so not that much stitching done ,  so will show you an old stitching  that I made into a needle box it's full so I am now working on another one

Some of you have already seen it others may have not .


This has been very useful , but I now need another one that I am working on.

  I also brought this gift for myself  , I will be starting it very soon.

I was busy  making some cards and little gifts to give out for my friend Jackie who is our town crier .

Also I finished my puzzle at last .


                       I enjoyed this one,  but was not an easy one.

These are all from the garden , we gave out to a lovely new Rev from the USA who is now staying here .

                             Enjoy your week I maybe back very soon .


Sunday 26 May 2024

Sunshine and showers .

Hi friends , how are we all .

Are you having mixed weather like we are , sunshine and showers , every day is different , one day I am dressed for summer next day dressed for winter ? 

This is a busy time for me so not allot of anything going on . So I wanted to just pop in and say I am still here . The garden takes my time up at the moment . I go in there every day if I can for an hour and cut back and weed and everyday it gives me a gift back my roses are all blooming now and I have never seen them looking so good . Hubby is also bedded the front garden out and it's starting to look beautiful.

I did have a few moments on this weeks UFO some knitting , card making and time on the puzzle .

Now every thing is planted I can get back to my stitching , at last..

So this weeks UFO is an old one I want to finish this year for my family , I am stitching many gifts for them to keep as gift sakes .

               You can see it's a GOLD COLLECTION .

                                    Christmas Teddies . 

                    I am also finding that the sun is so strong for my eyes .

                                                So I have to get in the shade  .

 After months of dull weather  it takes time to adjust to the light .

So now a few more photos of the garden flowers . Its a bank holiday here  so lots going on my hubby and I are crowning the May queens tomorrow. 

They say we will be having a few showers  , that means we will get wet again.

Hope not the children always look so lovely in their pretty dresses and head dress.

Have a lovely weekend , what ever you are doing.

Tuesday 14 May 2024


 Hello all, 

Well we had 4 beautiful days of sunshine but then yesterday was rain  all day and we got really wet when out shopping . 

The sunshine days were wonderful I wish it was like it every day and rain every night that would be great .

Saturday afternoon we had our Spring covid injection , and it knocked us both about we both had no energy to do anything  so Sunday was a wasted day , Monday we were both fine .

 We have had loads of birds in the garden and butterflies even a few ladybirds  so nature seems to be happy.

Not much stitching this week but a few stitches in another UFO. 

And I can now show a card that I stitched for Jutta for her Birthday.

                         Hope you had a lovely Birthday  Jutta .


  I have been having pain in my hand due to stitching so  I am knitting  to change 

the use of my hands and it works changing from stitching and knitting also  resting with a puzzle . It gives my hand a little rest . If I can find more time I want to do more felt work , painting and card making . But with our busy life  it is hard to find much free time,  Maybe this summer I can find time .

 Another UFO for my GD Lucy  .

                   I loved this one  it seems to call out her name . 

This week I brought some goodies for the little ones , the money goes to the hospital for new born babies .


                                                 My GGC will  love these.

                                      So I will say good bye for this week

                                         And leave you with more flowers in the garden.



                Have a wonderful week and enjoy what you stitch or knit .