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Monday, 14 March 2022

Rained all weekend

 Hello friends ,

Not allot going on here this week , I have had some kind of flu or bug , I tested for covid but I was negative , so what ever I have it's not nice , and I hate not being well . Hubby can't win what ever he does for me I am a bit snappy with him , but hey he knows me  far to well . So he is keeping out of my way at the moment , I am best on my own when ill. It's day 5 now and I am mostly ok after 3 days ! So I will rest up this week and see if I can get back to normal soon. 

I am also sad to hear another one of my sweet friends passed away this week , this month seems full of sad news every where.

The sun is out today at last after a weekend full of rain. 

I did finish a little dog cross stitch it was a free chart from one of the magazines I have , I thought he looked very cute. 


This little blanket and teddy we won , so I will send them to our little GGD Lottie next week .

My puzzle is growing .

 So now I will leave you with some Spring flowers to warm your hearts Spring is on it's way .


                        These daffodils were some of the broken ones after another windy night .

                                          This is where my frogs live .

Forget me nots just coming out 

                                           Have a good week everyone stay safe .


  1. Hi June: So sorry to hear you are not feeling well, i hope you are getting better minute by minute.
    I love the puppy stitch so sweet and adorable.
    Nice teddy and blanket, your great granddaughter is lucky to have you gift this to her.
    Beautiful puzzle, nice progress.
    Thank-you for sharing the lovely flowers, it is snowing here with three inches on the ground.


  2. I love your little puppy stitch. Hope you get better soon. big hugs love Lynda Ruth

  3. Oh dear June, I am very sorry to learn that you are not feeling well, but luckily I understand you are improving: courage!
    I offer my condolences for the disappearance of your friend, this is a difficult time for everyone and everything.
    The embroidered dog is enchanting and the puzzle grows with great speed: very good.
    Sweet the final note of the beautiful flowers that adorn your green corner.
    A big hug Ciao Susanna

  4. I'm so sorry you've been ill, June. There seems to be a lot of "stuff" going around now as the seasons change. My DIL was sick too and tested negative for Covid.

    Your little puppy is very sweet--glad you felt up to doing a bit of stitching. Love your bright spring flowers. We got 7 inches of snow on Saturday so spring is no where in sight here.

    Do take care now, sweet friend ♥

  5. Hugs June I hope you feel better soon, there are some nasty bugs around. Sorry to hear about your friend. Lovely flowers that show spring is on its way.

  6. Glad to hear that you are on the mend June. Maybe your rain will finally stop for a bit but those beautiful flowers probably love it. Your dog is cute!

    Sorry for your loss.

  7. Hope you'll feel better soon, June! Sad that you lost another of your friends ;-(
    Spring has sprung in your corner of the world. Things will get better!
    Best wishes, Ursula

  8. I do love seeing your flower photos June & the daffys look beautiful. I am so sorry to read you have been unwell & hope you are now on the mend. Take care dear June.

  9. Yes, I know that too, when I'm sick I prefer to be alone, I'm glad you're feeling better.
    The little dog is really cute.
    Take good care of yourself.

  10. Je préfère être seule également lorsque je suis malade. Je te souhaite un bon rétablissement parmi tes jolies fleurs.
    Câlins et belle semaine

  11. Hope you are feeling better soon.
    The little dog is very cute.
    Have a nice time, Manuela

  12. Dear June,
    I hope you are feeling better now, all the best to you. The little dog is really cute, a sweet motif.
    It doesn't rain here at all, that's not what garden owners like either,
    best whishes, Jutta

  13. June, I'm so sorry to hear you were ill and I sure hope your feeling much better now. Glad it wasn't covid. Your little dog is so cute!! Love your beautiful flowers, I saw a small tip of a hyacinth peeking though the ground yesterday, Spring is around the corner. Take care sweet friend.

  14. Oh, I hope you are feeling better now. All the best for you!
    You did such a cute little dog and I like your spring flowers, even Forget me nots.
    Have a fine and healthy weekend!

  15. I really hope you're feeling better, June. The dog is so cute, I like it very much. I love your flower photos so much!
    Get well soon and have a nice time.

  16. June,I wish you a best health ☺ I think it will be come with Spring time ☺
    Have a wonderfull weekend ☺

  17. Sorry you're not well, so hope you feel better soon, I can get snippy if I'm not feeling well, a very natural feeling. That little teddy and blanket will be a lovely gift for your GGD. Lovely flowers..
