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Monday, 14 February 2022

Happy Valentine's Day

 Hello my lovely friends , and  I hope you are all having a lovely day.

Well yesterday we had rain all day and it was very dull .

Today it was a sunny morning but raining this afternoon 

Saturday we were looking forward to watching our team playing in the final , and we were already when the screen went black , so then we went into the sun room and thought we could watch it in there but no .

So I watched it , not live but just updates when they came in, in the mean time hubby was trying to get someone  to come around , but it was to late but they did come on Sunday morning . Now everything is sorted . The air was a little blue but I will say no more about that ha.

The great thing was we won .

So this week I have been stitching a few Easter cards but can't show you  just yet and working along on my knitting and my SAL and some smalls .

                                                        My SAL I have now started


                                               We have been out to lunch  Hubbies treat today . 

                          Our cards to each other ,we always go mostly for cute ones .


                             On the back there is a cute little story on Hubby's card .

                           Edwina Hedgehog - the most beautiful hedgehog in all of Wood stump

                           Edwina likes cooking , walking , sewing!  and fixing things , but most of all loves                                               cuddling up to her husband in their tiny , tumbledown cottage .

                               HOW CUTE IS THAT  BUT I DID ADD THE SEWING BIT HA.

                          Not sure if I showed you this new kit , but I fell in love with it .

I found this on Esty I have allot of wool I want to use up and I will knit a few of these Cardigans for my little GGD .


This is a great little book for stitching up little things for little ones.



There is movement in the garden .

The bulbs are coming up and so many plants are starting to move .
But looks like we have some bad storms coming our way soon.

Have a lovely day .



  1. Cute cards you have given each other, lovely start on your SAL. Your garden pots are super, happy Valentine's Day 💕

  2. Happy Valentine's Day, June
    I like your new SAL very much, I look forward to your progress.
    What beautiful Valentine's cards! Your new kit is also very pretty, I have a similar motif. Cute Knit-Cardigan for Babys.
    Although it has been very sunny the last few days, nothing is growing in my garden. Now it's supposed to be rainy again.
    I wish you a nice week,

  3. Happy Valentine's Day June: Your new start is very pretty; the kit looks lovely, I am looking forward to seeing your start and progress.
    Such a cute little girl set, cute baby designs in your new book.
    As always, your floral photos brighten my day, it is a balmy 19 degrees here today.


  4. Hello June,
    hope you had a wonderful Valentine Day.
    Your stitching kit looks great. Happy Stitching on this project.
    So cute the little knitting baby designs.
    Have a nice week. Manuela

  5. Oh my, it looks like Spring has Sprung in your neck of the woods!! So very nice to see flowers blooming outdoors! 9 degrees here!!
    Your cards are so cute!! I love your new pattern, the funny thing is I sold a Royal Albert cup and saucer on ebay that I got for free that looks exactly like that cup and saucer!!! I think I got 40$ for it if I remember correctly. Those cardigans are so sweet, will look forward to seeing some of your knitting.

  6. I missed your beautiful works, your flowers, your descriptions! It is a real pleasure to read you. Ciao ciao Susanna

  7. Your living wall makes me smile today--and long for spring! We are STILL snow covered with an 11° temperature (-11 C!!!). I love all the pretty colors of the primroses so much.

    Your stitching is looking lovely and the new kit you got is so "you!" I know you'll enjoy it and also knitting the sweet cardigans. How blessed your grandchildren and great-grandchildren are to have all those beautiful things you've made for them over the years.

    Enjoy this last half of February, June! Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day! ♥♥♥

  8. Such sweet cards June ... I always love your stitchery work & those knitted tops are just adorable. I am pleased to see spring is appearing in your area at long last. We can feel a touch of autumn here now & its just wonderful. xx

  9. It's going to be a beautiful SAL, such lovely flowers. A sweet card for your man, and so fitting.
    Sweet little cardigan and little things, simply wonderful, they can certainly be knitted well.
    enjoy your week, Martina

  10. I had many wool too.I knitted many big quilts for whole my big family ☺
    I wish you nice days ☺

  11. Bellissimo il SAL e soprattutto il tuo giardino con i bulbi che presto diventeranno fiori coloratissimi!!

  12. Quelle chance d'avoir un si joli jardin fleuri. Chez nous, il fait encore trop froid pour profiter de la nature. Prends soin de toi chère June et belle semaine.

  13. I like your start from your SAL so much, your planned patterns are also very beautiful.
    Spring can already be seen in your garden photos, it is very windy and cold here.
    Thank you for your comment on my blog, I was very happy about it again, have a nice day, Jutta

  14. Beautiful cards June and I like your lovely SAL, you always choose such pretty designs. I like the soft colours of the cardigans too.

  15. Love your new chart!! Your garden wall is coming along beautifully!

  16. Your SAL is very pretty and your new kit is beautiful. The cardigan pattern is just precious, do you have similar colours?
    Look at your flowers already, they look lovely!

  17. What a lovely floral post! So many pretty colours bringing Spring much closer. I do hope your garden survived Eunice intact.
