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Monday, 21 February 2022


Well we got through the storm with just a little damage , I thought my conservatory was going to go  

    but lucky it still held on , the winds were coming in full force on to it . 

Then storm 2 and then storm 3  which is hitting us now 

There was  a little damage in the garden , we moved every thing we could before the storm came.

I hope everyone else stayed safe.

I walked up into the garden and was surprised to see lots of Spring flowers in bud and a few snowdrops out . I have the larger ones , my smaller ones died off a few years ago , so I would like to buy some more plants and try a few more different places to see if I can grow them again  , hubby said they like to grow under trees and on banks so they must like drier ground .

Well I have one finish Peter Rabbit freebie  ,   everyone must love this little rabbit ,

I have two free charts if anyone would like to stitch him  just let me know in the comments and if there are more than two of you who would like them  , I will get hubby to pull out names again.

Also this week I have been working on my SAL , also reading , knitting and puzzles .

But not to much free time this last week , with shopping seeing friends , and helping hubby moving things.


                                                           Don't you just love him.

If you want the chart I have two to give away .

                                                     Started my puzzle  it's a really big one .

                                                                       Slow start .
                                                  Below is what it will look like .

                                    My friend Sally brought me this lovely case for my cards .

And my friend Lynda  sent me these wonderful gifts , they were for Christmas and got held up at Plymouth .  Thank you Lynda love every thing lovely stitch gifts useful gifts and Yummy gifts .

                                         Thank you so much sweet friend .


                    So now time for book of the week , these small books  are just wonderful .

                                        So many yummy charts in this one and so useful .

See you next week with more stitching and some flowers I hope if any are left .
Take care all .


  1. Aww, your Peter Rabbit is a darling. What precious gifts you received June!

  2. A late Christmas present is lovely to have, opening presents is always fun. X

  3. Peter Rabbit is gorgeous, I have a similar chart in my stash. Good luck with the jigsaw, my Hubby is doing one at the minute that is quite dark but even in the conservatory the light is not great with such stony weather around. Lovely gifts you've received. Stay safe.

  4. Sorry to hear about all those storms. Hope all is good. So glad you finally got my Christmas parcel. Why would it go to Plymouth and stay there? Hope you have a good week. Big hugs Lynda Ruth

  5. Oh that Peter Rabbit is so adorable. I would love to receive one of the charts. You've received so many pretty gifts. I really like that puzzle. It looks somewhat challenging. I like that little book also with so many pretty charts.

  6. Gorgeous gifts & puzzle June but that Peter Rabbit is ADORABLE!!! I have been thinking of all things Easter this week for some reason & can't wait to decorate. I am pleased you survived the storm okay. xx

  7. Dear June, Peter Rabbit is just too cute! We watched the movie that came out a few years ago with our granddaughter last summer. I can highly recommend it!
    Very sweet small patterns in your book. Are you going to stitch some?

  8. Hi, lovely stitching. And Peter Rabbit is adorable. My daughter got a Peter Rabbit mug from friends when she was born and this nug is still in use.
    We also had windy weather but in my town, no damages, only strong winds.
    Lovely gifts from your friend.
    I myself have no time for stitching at the moment.
    Take care and warm greetings

  9. It wasn't that stormy for us and I'm glad to hear it wasn't that bad for you.
    Your little bunny is really cute and a great finish.
    The puzzle is great, really romantic.
    The new book has really nice motifs.
    Happy Stitching, Martina

  10. Hello June,
    we had three storms in the last few days. We don't have any damage.
    Your little Rabbit Peter is very cute. A nice little finish.
    Wow, what a wonderful puzzle motif. Have fun to make it.
    Have a nice new week and a Big Hugs, Manuela

  11. Ciao dear June, what a relief to know that you have managed to contain the damage of all the windstorms that have come and gone! How much love is your embroidered bunny and how challenging is the puzzle you are starting. Unexpected gifts are even more pleasant, even if they are Christmas and the cookery design book is very interesting. A big hug and good continuation of the day

  12. Greetings June: Peter Rabbit is adorable, the finish you chose is perfect, love the added lady bugs.
    Lovely gifts from your friends.
    The new book has some adorable designs.
    I am so sorry you are having bad weather; I hope it pass's quickly with no damage.


  13. I am happy to read that you didn’t have too much troubles with the windstorm.
    You make me want to do puzzles, I like when you show them. And also, yes little Peter Rabbit is very nice. He reminds me the beautiful movie Miss Potter.
    Have a nice week end,

  14. June,I very liked read your news.We had very hard wild weather here.
    I wish you wonderfull days ☺

  15. We survived the first two storms but the third one took our power out. Thank goodness for a husband who keeps emergency lights on charge and a generator in the garage! It was out until the following afternoon.
    Lovely gifts from your friends.

  16. June,I very like your handwork.We had hard windstorm here too.
    It is half of night here.It starte wind again.I´m waiting for Spring so very much.
    Have fantastic days ☺
    Hugs Eva

  17. Glad to hear you are safe and hopefully there wasn't to much damage to your yard and wall. Peter Rabbit is so cute with his little lady bugs! Nice puzzle, hope it doesn't give you to much trouble. Very lovely gifts you received! I have one of those charts so thanks for the reminder! Stay safe!

  18. Dear June, that's good news, you didn't suffer much damage from the storm either, uff.
    The little bunny is very pretty ;-) ... and such a big puzzle, I'm sure you'll show us the finished puzzle soon
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment, have a nice weekend, Jutta

  19. I'm so glad you are okay after those storms, June--they sound very scary. We've had a couple days of high winds, too, but our snow has finally melted and for that, I'm grateful! Your bunny is darling and you sure received a lot of wonderful goodies. Enjoy! It must be nice to see your spring flowers appearing. Hope we'll have some in another month, too :) Enjoy your weekend, my friend ♥

  20. Hallo June,
    I love Peter Rabbit and the picture is so cute with the little ladybug. You got pretty gifts and also the cross stitch book is beautiful.
    Have a nice weekend!

  21. I'm glad to hear that all is well after the storm, I'm sure that must have been scary at times.
    Peter turned out adorable, you finished him beautifully in that frame!
    You received some lovely gifts, and the book looks like it has some fun stitches.
