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Monday 27 February 2023

Almost March .

 Yes it's almost March , time still runs away far to fast for me . 

But I do love Spring time and spending more time outside , since I was a little girl  I would always be outside playing with the wild life  and flowers . I like to spend no less than an hour a day outside more so if it's sunny .

I have just started  sowing a few seeds so I can add a few more plants to the garden , it's time now to start  but only inside , and plant out in April or before once the frosts have stopped .

My other love is stitching and I am so enjoying rotating my large stitching again and stitching on smalls .

My other loves are Knitting , making cards and messing around with my very large stock of stitching goodies , also reading  .

Also a like felting , making bookmarks from pretty cards .  Also watching football  with hubby .

And spending time with friends chatting which is a wonderful gift  , I  have lost so many in the last few years , but  I will never forget them .

What are your hobbies ?

 First I will show you again my Stick  2023  Which Manuela and Martina  kindly put on for us .

First one was flowers I was a little to early showing mine so I will show you again today .

Next one will be shown end of APRIL . 

                          Violets by PERMIN .


              My  UFO  this week was Summer Nesting Box by Vervaco .

Below one of the lovely flowers I am starting to grow in  love  with .
Look at the wonderful shapes of the bulbs this one looks like a bee .

                                             This one looks like a rabbit .

            My lovely hubby came home with this bag full of threads 1/2 price .

And a quick few photos of more flowers coming up every day .

Have a lovely week ,we are having nice sunny days but very cold .


  1. Love your little pillow finish for Stick6in23 and the other piece you are working on is so pretty too. I can't believe it's almost march already! This year is already going by too fast. The weather yesterday here was lovely but today we have had drizzly rain all day, hopefully it will pick up during the week agin.
    Enjoy the rest of your week, you always seen so busy :-)

  2. what a wonderful blog today. I love your stitching especially the violets. How does the chart. I would like to do this chart too. Yes, your bulbs look like animals. Beautiful flowers in your garden. Your Summer Nesting box is very close to finishing. What will you do with it. Pillow or a wall hanging.
    Hubby got a great deal on floss. You should be good for alittle while. big hugs Lynda Ruth.

    I am getting my strength back slowly, started to walk 5 minutes on treadmill. I am getting use to the oxygen and it's long hose. Dave has it so I can go from room to room downstairs and upstairs to the bedrooms and bathroom. It takes sometime to get use to it, but atleast I am not in hospital and hoping my kidney gets better and no more trouble with it.
    Have a great day big hugs Lynda Ruth

  3. I love the little violet pillow, it's so beautifully crafted.
    Your UFO is also a great project.
    Oh your husband means well, so many beautiful new yarns, you can work with them for a long time.
    I absolutely have to go into the garden and see how far our spring flowers have come.
    enjoy your week

  4. Love your violet pillow, what a sweet chart. And your WIP is looking so pretty. I also love gardening, and spending time outside playing with pots and plants. It is soooo relaxing! We are seeing the first crocuses here too, hope the cold weather that is supposed to arrive soon won't spoil them. Looking forward to see your anemones in bloom, I have never been able to grow them but I am sure you will!

  5. We are having strange weather here.
    It gets warm for this time of year, then snows & back to cold.
    I like snow, but I am not enjoying this Winter, & can't wait for Spring.
    Your stitching & flowers are so beautiful.
    The violets are too pretty,
    What an awesome husband to get floss for you! :)

  6. Fiori sulla tela e fiori nel giardino! I miei hobbies sono sicuramente ricamare, leggere e cucinare dolci!

  7. Dear June,
    how cute the little cushion turned out for 6in23.
    The colours harmonise so well with the finishing. You present the fine embroidery very charmingly on the doily with the butterfly.
    Happy stitching my friend. Anna

  8. What a beautiful post. I love your header picture, it's beautiful!

  9. Lovely stitching, June. Yes, the seeds look like animals ;-) Who knows, maybe you'll grow a bunny and a bee ;-))Your hubby, bless his heart, is so thoughtful. Must have bought you a skein of floss in every color!

  10. June,your handwork is soooo nice ☺
    I´m waiting a spring time so very much.But frost returned...
    Have nice days ☺ Eva H.

  11. You have made a beautiful little pillow. I love it.
    Wonderful progress on your stitching. It is a nice little spring motif.
    A nice gift from your husband. So many wonderful floss.
    For garding it is to early, because we have frosty nights at the moment.
    Enjoy the week and a big Hugs, Manuela

  12. Lovely photos...and what a floss deal. That guy is a keeper.

  13. Hello June,
    such a beautiful violet motif! You handled it wonderfully. The UFO will one day become a beautiful picture. Your husband gave you a great present, now you have stock for many more stitches.
    enjoy the week, hugs Andrea

  14. En effet, les bulbes d'anémones ont des formes amusantes.
    Je vous souhaite un joli mois de mars et vous envoie toute ma tendresse.

  15. Dearest June, your delicate Permin violets say that spring really is upon us! Your Vervaco UFO is very playful with those warm colors and is growing like a charm. Indeed those anemone bulbs make a bit of an impression: they look like bees and the last of the rabbit ears, you're right.
    The cold has returned here but I think it won't last long.
    Great gift from your husband: for an embroiderer, threads are very precious.
    My hobbies are embroidery, good music and reading, but also movies and long walks in nature, whether it's the countryside or the sea
    Good afternoon Susanna

  16. You have so many wonderful hobbies and interests, June! My main ones are cross stitching (of course), reading, and baking. I don't bake as much these days, though, now that my boys are grown and gone. I do miss it!

    I love that little pillow--just darling and your larger piece is growing nicely. That's a great find by your husband, too. I've never seen an anemone bulb--very interesting shapes indeed.

    Wishing you a wonderful March and lots of warm, sunny days in your garden ♥

  17. Dear June, I love your stitchings, the little pillow and also your Ufo.
    I hope the warm sun will help your anemones growing fast, but your Spring flowers are wonderful too. Wish you a fine weekend.

  18. Dear June,I liked to read your news.My gift to you-cloth-is on bad site...
    Have a fantastic weekend ☺

  19. Lovely post June, those builds do look funny don't they but produce beautiful flowers. Your Hubby bought you a lots of threads, lucky lady and lucky Hubby finding them at half price, threads have certainly increased. Have a lovely weekend

  20. It’s already spring here! :-)) We are having rain and bad weather again here in the south of Italy.
    Nice to see all those coloured threads together.
    I love gardening, embroidering and reading too, but also crocheting and knitting and having nice strolls... and yes ...chitchat with friends:-)))
    Have a nice week end, big hug,

  21. What interesting shapes those bulbs come in! They are almost to cute to plant! What a great DH you have to bring you home a bag full of floss. I really like your Summer Nesting Box piece.

    My hobbies include reading mystery and crime fiction; like James Patterson or John Grisham. I also like to watch true crime programs on TV. Assembling puzzles and playing cards are a couple more things I enjoy.

    Have a great week!

  22. What hobbies do I have? Stitching and blogging! But also papercraft more recently.
    Love your floral pieces, just right for your love of the garden. Great thread stash too. I ordered a batch from Lakeside before the price went up.

    Serendipitous Jo

  23. Wonderful 😍!
    I love spring time! The violets on your little pillow are very cute!
