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Monday 8 May 2023


 Hi dear bloggers ,

What a busy week , we had loads of celebrations on the go this week also elections .

We have not stopped but we have had so much fun .

We sat and watched the crowning on a big screen with friends and families  I teared up a few times , it was wonderful  there was so much to do , we watched some great singers and even had a dance , our town  put on some wonderful events  local  people were having a great time it was lovely to see young and old enjoying the events . Yesterday we were asked to two events and two cream teas another fun day , and then we watched the big show last night.

We eat so much yesterday , today we are cutting down ha I am still feeling  full.

Ok not much to show this week on my UFO stitching , it's been far to busy .

This UFO I started last year , would you believe and I never put many stitches in then . 

But I added a few more this time . Blooming Garden by Luca-S .

                                            Told you I only put a few stitches  in .

                             Have a good week all , I'll do better next week  I hope .

                     I will leave you with a few flowers photos and an old  stitch .





  1. Sounds like lots of fun times to enjoy June, I enjoyed watching the Coronation too, it did go quite late into the night here in NZ due to the time difference so I watched a replay on Sunday. Have a lovely week xx

  2. Beautiful as usual June 💗 I especially love the Lily of the Valley in the china jug. xx

  3. Oh yes, I watched the coronation of King Charles on TV, wonderful, these old traditions. I wish him a lot of strength in his office.
    Surely you now have a little more time to stitch after all the excitement.
    Have a nice week

  4. It has been a wonderful weekend. God Bless the King and Queen. I love your flower photographs. So pretty X

  5. That Luca-S is a gorgeous piece.
    Pretty flowers, as always.

  6. Blooming Garden is gorgeous June, just as your blooming garden is!!

  7. Nous avons regardé le couronnement à la télévision également.
    Belle semaine ma chère June.

  8. Hello June: It was a lovely display on the crowning, I too teared up.
    I love the pillow you finished, so sweet as are the flower photos.
    Blooming flowers looks like a beautiful design, nice start on the stitching.


  9. So much excitement with the coronation, June! I'm surprised you had time to do any stitching at all or take photos! Love the flowers in your garden so much--you obviously have a green thumb :) Wishing you a wonderful, but a bit more relaxing, week ahead, my friend ♥

  10. Il giardino fiorito è perfetto per la stagione! Bellissimo!

  11. You have an eventful and exciting week behind you. Unfortunately I couldn't watch the coronation, I had to work. The motif of Luca-S will be beautiful.
    Enjoy the rest of the week
    Hugs Andrea

  12. Glad you are keeping busy June, there isn't always the time to stitch especially this time of year when there are things to keep up with in the garden. We really enjoyed watching the coronation too, shame about the weather, at least it was fine and sunny on Sunday for all the street parties :-)

  13. Dearest June, I have no doubt that the past week has been very exciting and busy. I followed the whole ceremony with pleasure, especially involved in the multitude of historical and traditional details. The flower garden you are embroidering is complex but will look beautiful, just like your actual garden.
    I love the scent and grace of white lilies of the valley.
    Good weekend Ciao Susanna

  14. Thank you so much for so many beautiful flowers, dear June, what a pity that they fade so quickly, the tulips in the header are great!!!!
    Your embroidery is wonderful, such beautiful color gradients.
    Here in Germany we were able to see the coronation live on TV.
    I wish you a nice weekend, hugs, Jutta

  15. Dear June,
    oh yes, we were able to enjoy the wonderful ceremony of the coronation on TV. what a historic event. I'm happy to see the progress of your project from Luca S.
    Wishing nice weekend, Anna

  16. Hello June,
    I saw the coronation live in TV in our holiday.
    Your pattern looks great. Hope you had enough time to stitch at this in the last days.
    Have a nice weekend. Manuela

  17. Dear June,
    yes, this was a busy week and I wish you a quiet weekend. I love your stitched garden and the wonderful flower photos.
    Have a lovely Sunday, Erna

  18. It has been a busy week for you! Your floral stitching is just as pretty as your garden!
    Serendipitous Jo

  19. Wonderfull flowers ☺☺☺
    my best greeting to you ♥
