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Monday, 27 November 2023

First frost .

 Well we had our first frost the other day and it was so cold . Some people love the cold I hate it .

Give me warm weather any day . It's a strange time of the year I feel unsettled because there is so much to do , but you can't really  do to much  I have wrapped and wrote out lots of early post . Now I want to get the house ready , but I have to wait for hubby to get the boxes down , hopping the end of this week .

We went out for our first Christmas meal and it was so yummy I eat far to much , I am not a big eater . But I eat every thing and a desert , but no starter .

I have been stitching away but no finishing I will save that  for when I am not so busy , I have also sent out lots of cards .

                             This one I am happy to say is now with Jutta .

                                          And the one below with Erna .
                                       There are more on there way .

I have been stitching on my fire place , but the stitches are so small it takes for ever and alot of colour changes .

                                                      Last time .


This time  

                                                    The Interior by  LUCA-S   

I must say my hubby is simply the best , look what he walked in with . He knows I miss the garden at this time of the year , he said this will put a smile on your face 

                                           Enjoy your week.


  1. I don't like the cold either! Beautiful stitching and what a great hubby!

  2. How beautiful are those yellow roses, just lovely. Your first frost and we even had a small one here yesterday morning after a cold snap over the weekend! cute little cards too. Have a really good week x

  3. Anche qui è arrivato il freddo e forse verrà la neve. Io ho già decorato la casa per Natale e vorrei ricamare qualcosa. Tuo marito ti ama molto!

  4. the roses will definitely put a smile on your face. big hugs

  5. Your roses from your hubby are just beautiful dear June 💛 ... so kind of him. xx

  6. Two beautiful cards, all so different in pattern. I have my card from you on my Advent calendars and can look at it every day.
    There have already been a few stitches on your fireplace.
    The yellow roses are beautiful.
    It's also very cold here and it's starting to snow, which I don't need.
    Enjoy the day, Hugs, Martina

  7. Hello June,
    two beautiful and very cute cards. My card is standing on my shelf.
    Your stitching wip is so beautiful and a lot of stitches in this motif.
    Lovely roses from your Hubby.
    Here in North Gemany it is cold too. I love the cold weather. We need it for the nature.
    Have a nice day, Manuela

  8. Dear June,
    Thank you very much for your sweet snowman card, I was sooooooooo happy about it. The Christmas card for you is in the mail today.
    I also really like Erna's card and your progress with the fireplace, that will be a very long, but beautiful project.
    Your hubby knows what you love ;-)
    Enjoy the time until the 1st Advent, hugs, Jutta

  9. I do not enjoy the very cold weather at all. It is starting to get bitterly cold at night here. We do have just a touch of snow frozen to the ground here. The cards you have are so sweet. The fireplace looks wonderful. Ron is a keeper for sure! :)

  10. Lovely stitching and those roses....beautiful!

  11. June, you made such beautiful cards, mine arrived today, thank you for that.
    Even small progress leads to the goal, the Luca-S motif is beautiful but also demanding. Your husband has good taste in roses.
    Hugs Andrea

  12. You have the sweetest husband, June--what a wonderful surprise. Yellow roses are my favorites! Your little cards are adorable. And your gift package was waiting for me when I arrived home from Florida on Thursday. I haven't opened it yet, but wanted you to know it arrived safely! It snowed here a bit, but we were in Florida so I missed it :) Happy December ♥

  13. Dear June, your handmade cards are so beautiful, thank you for mine. Your fireplace looks warm and cosy, just right for these cold days. Stitch by stitch you'll come to the end of this wonderful stitching motif.
    Have a beautiful weekend, hugs Erna

  14. Dear June, I once loved heat and sun on my skin. But now that the heat has become excessive, it leaves me without strength. I like all seasons and at Christmas I love snow, but I fear driving on ice!
    Your embroidered cards are delicious and that fire in the fireplace? It seems to really burn, I believe the color changes make you suffer, but the result is amazing.
    You have a golden husband! :)
    Ciao Susanna

  15. My goodness June! A lot of colors in the fireplace alone in your piece. It's going to be beautiful indeed. Your stitching is always top notch. Each of the Christmas cards are a gift alone. A lot of love go into those. How pretty. I too have a lot to do here as well, and as usual, can't seem to get myself started. Merry Christmas my friend.

  16. Lovelys yellow flowers like a good present. Have a very nice day.

  17. I am with you on the cold June and that is why I moved to a desert state! Your husband certainly knows how to get bonus points, those flowers are gorgeous. Love those cards you made.
