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Sunday, 14 July 2024

Another Stitch.

 Wow the weeks are passing away so fast . 

I seem to be spinning plates every day , can't seem to get in some kind of routine  at all, I am still stitching away but not finishing  my stitching , so when I get some time I must get some work fully finished . I now have a box full ready to finish .

The weather has been very bad lots of rain and dark days .

The sun is out now but for how long will it stay there , the other night I looked out of the window , and the water was like a river running down the road.

I have only seen one butterfly this Summer and three in the Spring . But we have a new busy body a cute baby hedgehog , his little legs are no help so he rolls down the steps.  

The news does not help always bad , but we did win the football , but  only the last few moments were enjoyable , it was so slow. 

So will watch the final later  , and the tennis.

Thank goodness I have my stitching , that takes me in a happy place when I can't get into my garden , I said to hubby we have only sat outside  twice his summer .

 So this week I worked on another Dany chart of Roses and Lavender  .

                 I love Dany's charts so easy to stitch but very elegant.

                         This one will be going on to another box , if it fits ! 

Below my sweet peas are starting to bloom I just love the colours this year but they have very short steams .

Here he is our little Hedge hog so sweet it's a baby .
His legs are so small he rolls over the wall.

And now he is  thinking how do I get down there ?

So sweet .
See you soon .
Hope you all have a great week .


  1. We have had a lot of rain here in WI also, now it is very hot.
    Your Sweet Peas are so pretty, they remind me of my Aunt, she had them by the garage.
    Little Hedgie is too cute!

  2. You so get the most interesting visitors to your garden. so cute. Love your stitching. I hope your weather gets better. big hugs Lynda Ruth

  3. How sweet the little hedgehog is June. My cats would follow him around - they find them most fascinating & can't figure them out. Your stitching is - as always - beautiful. We are getting lots of rain too but its winter here - you should be having some sunnier days - hopefully soon. Enjoy the week dear June x0x

  4. I like your newest stitching project. It looks beautiful.
    The little hedgehook is very cute.
    Today we have sunny wather, but tomorrow it will be cooler and a little bit of rain.
    Have a nice week. Manuela

  5. Madeleine and I love your little hedgehog and wish we had them here! :)
    Your garden is lovely.
    So is the Dany pattern.
    We have SO many rainy days for weeks now.

  6. Bonjour chère June,
    Nous avons également beaucoup de pluie et bientôt l'orage arrive.
    Le petit hérisson est bien mignon.
    Merci pour ta gentillesse chère amie.
    Je te souhaite une agréable semaine.

  7. How cute is your little hedgehog! Ours is still visiting every night, I put food out on Friday night and we had two little babies come to feed!! I was overjoyed :-) Since then we have seen both babies again and the mummy too, I feel very privileged that they are visiting our garden.
    Yes the days are going by so quickly, we could do with some sunny days instead of all this dismal weather. I've been in the garden today tidying up but it started to rain again late afternoon,

  8. Dearest June, I must confess that I don't like this summer at all. After the rain and hail here is a humid heat that suffocates and takes away every bit of energy. It seems like the middle of August. I have difficulty embroidering and in the evening the butterflies and mosquitoes are attracted to the light that illuminates the embroidery linen. Your embroidery is delicious and the hedgehog is so cute. A hug, ciao Susanna

  9. Deer June: We have not had many butterfly's here in Minnesota either, only one, Love the Roses and Lavander design, so pretty, the floral display with the mouse is beautiful, I am a lover of hedgehogs, they are so cute, you are lucky to have them in your area.
    It is hot and very rainy here, but we do have many firefly's at noight and early hours before the sun comes up.


  10. Oh, what a sweet little visitor! We don't have hedgehogs here, but I wish we did--they are just delightful! I can just imagine him rolling down your steps. Do they eat your flowers or garden at all, June? We've had a nasty raccoon family make their way into my husband's fenced in vegetable garden. Oh, he is SO UPSET! Lovely little finish--the colors are so pretty. I hope you get lots of sun soon--we are the opposite this year. We've had NO rain in two weeks and everything is dry and dying. Take care now and enjoy your day, my friend! ♥

  11. You have a nice special guest in this period and always nice cross stitch and flowers.
    Here in the south of Italy, we are having a very long heatwave. I don't have energies because there are all days about 40'!
    Big hugs and kisses,

  12. Oh my god, such a beautiful artwork

  13. He might have short legs but he is a cutie! I am sure it has been to darn hot for you guys to sit outside! Hopefully the weather next year will make more sense. Very nice cross stitch you did this week. I hope the world stops spinning so fast for you this week so you can catch your breath!

  14. What a cute hedgehog, he's lovely. Your stitching is great, a super little design. Enjoy the sun

  15. What a sweet hedgehog. He loves your garden and the wonderful flowers ;-) The new stitchery is loverly.
    Kind regards, Erna
