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Monday, 27 January 2025

 Good morning all.  Hope you all had a good week .

We had some sunshine at last , but looks like it will get colder again soon.

I don't like the dull days , you can't see to do anything .

I did manage  to finish the puzzle ,worked on all my stitching lots of Easter and Birthday cards stitched , a few more then on to my larger stitching , when we get better daytime light.

I have been sorting to and have bag fulls of goodies to give out to our local stitching and knitting group . 

They make some beautiful goodies and the money goes to a life boats on our coast.

It's good for me and for them .

Bulbs are starting to break through the soil . So that's something to look forward to.

Hubby brought me my first daffodils of the year this week they are very pale yellow but so pretty.

 I am starting to feel much better at last , this chest infection was a nasty one. 

Sorry I did not finish this post .

I could not come on before due to our nasty weather .

Lots of Lightning and thunder around with buckets of rain there are puddles in the garden .

So I will have to be very quick , before more bad weather.


This was my stick 6  but I was late with my chest infection.

Spring is in the air by Bitter designs . not sure yet how I will finish it yet , so it will go on my growing pile ! .I have a few extras to add on it to.

I forgot to show you my puzzle .

 We have many cottages like this one where we live . they are  so pretty .



Hubby brought me lots of flowers , so I won't get the winter blues.


In the garden it is so wet but we have a few Spring flowers popping out if the weather gets better I will take photos.

Have a good week I will catch up when these storms move on .


  1. Very nice your Spring is in the air and the puzzle too. Cottages are wonderful. Keep warm and take care dearest June,

  2. Happy new year to you June, sorry to hear you're been unwell and I hope you're improving now. The daffodils are so bright and cheery. Enjoy your Easter stitching, I'll be looking through my Easter cross stitch patterns sometime soon to pick out some new patterns to stitch for this year. I hope you have a lovely week x

  3. Precioso bordado y preciosos narcisos. BESICOS.

  4. How nice that you are feeling better again. The weather here is also not great, it is raining. I like your stitching, I stitched it a long time ago. Your puzzle is beautiful too.
    Have a nice time
    Hugs Andrea

  5. Dearest June, first of all I am glad that you are recovering from the infection. But here in your blog we forget about the rain and the strong violent wind that we have here today, as your lovely embroidery expresses: spring is in the air. And the yellow daffodils are fabulous. Your puzzle, complicated and colorful, is fantastic, as is the cottage it reproduces. You are very clever.
    I greet you, with love ciao Susanna

  6. how beautiful June that you are better, I'm happy! Even in my garden the bulbs are growing, I can't wait to see the flowers

  7. I'm happy to read that you are feeling much better, June. I wonder if we had the same virus as it took me ages to get over it, too. Your flowers are just lovely--something I need to buy for my house. The days have been so dark and gloomy. At least we still have snow on the ground which brightens things up. Your Spring finish is so cute and I love the puzzle. We completed three huge puzzles when we were away for my birthday weekend--such fun! Hope your last few days of January are good ones! ♥

  8. Dear June,
    fortunately, you are feeling better now and you can do handicrafts and puzzles again. The daffodils promise spring, hopefully the weather knows that too ;-).
    I wish you happy days and good health. Erna

  9. Oh, what a cute little spring motif, I really like it. I hope you're well again, the puzzle looks great, and it's so nice to have the first daffodils in the house.
    Hopefully spring will be here soon,
    Best wishes, Martina

  10. Hello June,
    your little spring stitching is very cute. A wonderful puzzle motif. I like cottages.
    Have a nice weekend. Manuela

  11. Hope you are well on the road to feeling better. Spring is in the air is just darling. Love the puzzle. Looks like what I would imagine a true Cotswold Cottage be look like. So nice to see the daffodils popping up. I have another couple of months before mine with being to appear but they are always a sign of warmer weather to come. R

  12. It's nice to red that your health is improving dear June.
    I'm completely in love with your stiching " love is in the air ", what a cute design.
    Really looking forward to spring, but i think February will be wintery again.
    Big hugs, Anna

  13. Hello June: I hope you are feeling 100 percent very soon, when it is cold and wet it is hard to feel good about anything at least for me.
    I love the Spring design, so sweet, I am a bird lover and the robins are adorable.
    You have a husband like mine, they are both so generous to us.
    I am looking forward to seeing your garden bloom.

    Hughs to you

  14. Hello I'm a new visitor :)
    Beautiful daffodils and a lovely puzzle.

    All the best Jan

  15. So glad you're finally feeling better! Take care and don't get too tired.
