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Saturday, 11 January 2025

Snow and Rain.

Snow Rain Hail and Wind !
It's not nice outside , I think you could count  the days of sunshine  on  one hand  these dull days.
Even stitching is hard to see in the daytime  so I only stitch now at night so I can see what I am doing with my light . 
I would just like to thank you all for your lovely comments you sent me and get well wishes .
I am looking forward to a busy time stitching Easter cards , a few new Easter things for my self , and need to start stitching again on my Wips or they will forever be left in my large amount of boxes.
This week I will show you the few cards I stitched for friends this year .
All I can say this Winter morning thank goodness for our hobbies , what would we do with out our crafts .
So this week here are the cards I stitched for  some friends .


                    Some cards I forgot to take a photo  sorry.
                 I did start a new  puzzle almost done.
                      Not easy , even thou it looks easy.
                   I will be back with you soon have a good week.
        Have a happy week all , and stay safe with this strange weather                            we are all having .



  1. Lovely cards June, it is certainly testing weather and yes a good job we have crafts, books and jisaws, keep warm

  2. Veramente belle le cartoline che hai ricamato, una più bella dell' altra 😄.
    E il puzzle... Stupendo.
    Non vedo l'ora di vederlo finito e incorniciato

  3. Winter has certainly arrived. I quite like these cold frosty days, it means that the days have been sunny if cold. Glad you are feeling a little better and getting back to your stitching.

  4. Happy New Year June and Family: All your cards are lovely, we have finally got snow on the ground maybe up to 2 inch's by tomorrow afternoon.


  5. Hello June,
    all your cards you have stitched are so beautiful. I love my card very much and Thank you for this Christmas card.
    I'm looking forward to your finish puzzle. It is a lovely motif.
    Today we have cool weather with sunshine.
    Have a nice Sunday and Happy Stitching
    Hugs, Manuela

  6. Your cards are just beautiful June. I agree with you ... I often think I don't know how people manage who don't have crafts to enjoy - they get us through all the difficult times. Wishing you some sunshine weather my friend xx

  7. Yes, this weather is horrible, June. We missed the really heavy snow here (only have about 5 inches), but the cold has been dreadful. The high on Tuesday is only going to be 17 (-8C). BRRR! Yes, thank goodness for our indoor hobbies. The cards you stitched and sent are so sweet--I love my little angel! Hope things warm up for you over there. Do take care now! ♥

  8. I hope you're well recovered from your illness. Your cards are so lovely!

  9. I also started embroidering for Easter, tomorrow I'll post the beginning. Happy New Year!

  10. It's been really cloudy here for weeks, only now and then it's bright and a little sunny, but those are really days you can count.
    I was really happy with my card, you hit the nail on the head with the little bird.
    Have a good time, Martina

  11. Your cards are so lovely, and now you're working for Easter. I'll do the same because time is running fast.
    Hope you'll have a fine week. Hugs, Erna

  12. Your cards are adorable June, and the new puzzle looks so relaxing
    Hope the weather improves for you and you can enjoy stitching in the daylight
    Take care!

  13. Dear June, here too it is very very cold, but we only had snow a few days before Christmas. I am reorganizing the embroidery, but I don't want to make too many plans, because I would really be sorry to break them. The postcards I see are very nice, but the puzzle doesn't seem so easy to make! A big hug, ciao Susanna

  14. It looks like you are certainly keeping busy making your cards, they all look lovely!

  15. What lovely cards, it’s such a treat to receive a hand made card.
