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Tuesday 15 October 2024

It's getting colder.

 Yes I find it so cold and wet , but they say it's going to get warmer!

Our weather is up and down so you never know what to wear.

I have now got all my holiday cloths all washed and ironed . Now I am getting my head around Christmas , I have started to stitch a few cards , and started a few more ornaments. 

 We had lunch with our daughter and GD also two of our GGDs

 The little ones oh they are so beautiful . 

I am looking forward to cosy nights with my stitching now .

Day times when I am free will have to start writing cards out and wrapping gifts .

I have already brought a few gifts and need to find more so I can get things posted early.

The family will have money so they can buy what they want , easy for us and they like this better . 

So I have made a start , towards Christmas early, but I am  always rushing come the end.

So first up is a nice little stitch by Faye Welsh , she also designed last weeks .

I got last weeks designer wrong and they were both in the Cross Stitcher mag.


 I found my little box again that I stitched back in 2011 , thought you might like to see it again. 

                            And this must be the last of the flowers . 

                   Our weather is so wet and getting colder at night .
One last photo of a cobweb just beautiful.

                      This was the other morning it was a big one.

Well my friends another week passed very quick . I will see what else to stitch 
And I need to do lots of finishing very soon , I have started a few cards but can not show you yet .
Our weather today is very dull , not very nice at all .
Have a good week and hoping you have some sunny days before Winter sets in.

Monday 7 October 2024

Here again.

 Here again , after a lovely few weeks away .

I would like to say I had a lovely rest but it was a crazy few weeks , with friends .

We also made lot's of new friends , my hubby is a talker , we were dancing away most nights and shopping some days , we did sit and rest but we talked for hours .

Food was so yummy , 3 meals a day . The sun was out every day apart from one , but it was still warm . the time went so quick .

We also played cards most nights before the music  started .

I could have stayed for ever , every night we were out untill after 12 .00 .

So not much sleep , but catching up with all our friends from all over the UK and abroad was so much fun .

Now the washing machine is on and will be for a few days . Looks like Autumn is now here to.

So I will be stitching for Christmas  and miss Autumn this year.

Need to get organized this year for Christmas , so many invites coming in already.

I have stitched something for Christmas, by  Cheryl McKinnon from Tiny Modernist . from Cross Stitcher  October 2018 . 


                      Last of the few flowers in the garden .

I will be back soon , lots going on at the moment .


Wednesday 4 September 2024


 WOW it's September already  it's time for a little rest 

Before clearing up the garden  .

And the best part is looking through my charts and kits ready for Autumn and Winter.  

So what am I going to stitch ? I  think I will give Autumn a miss  and go right over to Christmas stitching .

I want to stitch a few ornaments for family and friends and myself .

I make these plans but most times only get a few done , but that's better than none.

I hope we get a few more summer days in first .

I have already been buying a few Christmas cards , they were in the sale .

I have loads of finishing to do.

I have stitched my next 6 in 2024 . I thought this was a cute design .

Sorry it is late , This was a  old free chart from Passion Creative .

I thought it was cute .

 Right I will be back to my blog in a few weeks after a rest .

I may pop in and out to see what you are up to .

Have a good September .

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Autumn is around the corner .

 Another week passed by so quick .

We had a lovely time at our local football club , they had live music and it was fantastic . Now the football starts we love watching   it . 

We are busy cutting back in the garden to bring back new growth on the plants for Autumn, I always take a break in September to tidy up , and get ready for the Autumn and a rest , we also meet up with lots of friends from all over.

I also want  to sort out my craft room and plan my winter stitching . But I will try and pop in to say hello when I get a free moment . The weather has been back to a normal summer the last few weeks which is good I would hate to go into winter with no summer at all. 

I have seen more butterflies this week so that's good . I also spotted a humming moth . I love to see them but to catch a photo is so hard. 

I have started some Christmas stitching you can never start to early I think about it then it's here.   

Below another lovely chart from Dany , now goes on the finishing pile for Autumn.     Iris such a lovely flower.

        This will be my Puzzle for Autumn . no time yet , but looking to start it once the garden work stops 

The weather is still up and down , so you can't really plan things .
One day I get my summer outfits on , next day a winter Jumper ! you can't win .
Lets hope it's not the new normal.

I may get one more post in , next week . 

Then just pop in and out to see what you are all stitching , I need to rest up and do some big sorting before the Autumn gets starts .

Friday 16 August 2024


Yes not much free time at this time of the year , It's been a busy Summer so far.

So I make the most of any free time to rest up with my stitching , but I have so much finishing to do soon ! maybe  in the Autumn .

At last we are getting a few more Summer days, and now the  Olympic's are here so even less time . I  have never known the weeks go by so quick ,  do you feel the 

same ?  there never seems enough hours in the day .

This week I have another small stitch ready and a Birthday card  for Martina  to show you all. My friend also gave me another beautiful puzzle , which I will start once I can find the time !  but I will make time for the things I love .

We had a few weeks of appointments , this week a eye test  , I am happy we both still have good eyes , and I ordered some new glasses that I liked . So I can stitch for more years Ha . 

We had a fun day on Saturday with lots of things going on and  singers and  crafts and loads for  the family's  to do. the weather was good so that makes a change . At last it's Summer .  We have been run off our feet now for weeks . There is so much going on in our town . But I have at last got a few hours to put on a blog .

Hubby and I still have a few appointments for things  this month and the next month then we should be slowing down a little and getting back to normal .

So no finishing done only stitching . The one below was stitched from a very old magazine . I ripped it out and put it in a folder years ago , so no information on it.

If I can find the mag I will let you know 

Here is a little card I stitched for Martina .


Will leave you with some flowers brought for me and in my garden .

                       SWEET PEAS not so good this year.


And beautiful roses from our local boxing club are still flowering .
Thanks to Chris and the boys and girls .

So that's it for this week.
Hoping I can get another blog in next week .


Monday 22 July 2024

Quick Hello .

Just a very Quick hello today ,

I am still busy with life but I have another small  finish stitch to show you , but still no finishing . We have  had a full  busy week again . Even went to a Christmas party on Saturday , It was held because not everyone has time at Christmas , it was fun but strange , but it was raining again so it felt more like Christmas.

Today we have some sunshine at last , Just hope it stays a bit longer .

So I am still rushing about , but I did manage to stitch this lovely deign by Dany 

Anemones one of my favorite flowers .

             And now some flowers but not so good as last years .


                  My tree now reaches way up needs a trim soon.

My princess Dianna  clematis is really doing well this year.

                          You can see how dull it has been here by the photos .
                             This was the garden last year with sun shine .

I do hope you are all having much better weather than we have had but Today is a good one for us .

Sunday 14 July 2024

Another Stitch.

 Wow the weeks are passing away so fast . 

I seem to be spinning plates every day , can't seem to get in some kind of routine  at all, I am still stitching away but not finishing  my stitching , so when I get some time I must get some work fully finished . I now have a box full ready to finish .

The weather has been very bad lots of rain and dark days .

The sun is out now but for how long will it stay there , the other night I looked out of the window , and the water was like a river running down the road.

I have only seen one butterfly this Summer and three in the Spring . But we have a new busy body a cute baby hedgehog , his little legs are no help so he rolls down the steps.  

The news does not help always bad , but we did win the football , but  only the last few moments were enjoyable , it was so slow. 

So will watch the final later  , and the tennis.

Thank goodness I have my stitching , that takes me in a happy place when I can't get into my garden , I said to hubby we have only sat outside  twice his summer .

 So this week I worked on another Dany chart of Roses and Lavender  .

                 I love Dany's charts so easy to stitch but very elegant.

                         This one will be going on to another box , if it fits ! 

Below my sweet peas are starting to bloom I just love the colours this year but they have very short steams .

Here he is our little Hedge hog so sweet it's a baby .
His legs are so small he rolls over the wall.

And now he is  thinking how do I get down there ?

So sweet .
See you soon .
Hope you all have a great week .