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Thursday, 27 February 2025

Almost March .

 Hello all , March is almost here I am so happy , Spring is almost knocking on our doors .

It's been a very long damp winter and cold with it  , today we are lucky the sun is out and it feels so bright it hurts the eyes , we have been in the dark  far to long . we did not get much snow this year but just so much rain.

The days were also very short and nights very long. I feel so much better in the sunny days. it's been a busy few weeks though , always far so much to do . 

Any free time I have been stitching a little more  and  working on my puzzle , but it is so hard to do , I will keep going I won't give up .

So today I will show you a little tray cloth I am stitching with some cute month girls and boys by Lesley Teare.                                  


                          I think they are so cute , and below another one  coming to life 


                   Also  started another banket , when I can't see to stitch 

Ok I have been so naughty  , I saw this new kit and just had to buy it , you can see why I gave in , I just fell in love with the design .

              So now I will leave you with what flowers that want to come out  and  bloom and say hello .

                                  I really hope you are getting some sunshine .

                            I need to finish a pile of stitching soon when I have more sunshine ,
                            I have been doing allot of sorting and have found lots of old aida and materials .
                                     Need to use everything up before I carry on spending .
                                                               Well I need to try !  
                             It's our Anniversary next week , getting near to a very big  one.                                                                                                 

Friday, 14 February 2025

Valentines Day.

 Hello friends , Happy Valentines Day to all.

I have enjoyed this week but it really passed by far to quick , some days do  go so quick  , but last week two days seemed to go slow and it was lovely  why ! I can't get my head around that.  Well today is  dull and raining Like most days.

But I have been happy sorting out my larger stitching , which I will start next month in rotation. Some I have been stitching on for years , they are like old friends , yes I am one of these people  who loves working on far to many , but it gives me joy to see them again. I am strange because I just love stitching on them, they are my old friends .  Hoping we will get some sunny days in March so I can see what I am stitching .

At the moment I can only stitch at night  , then I use my stand up light . 

It's been a very busy week here so I have been helping Hubby  also manning the phone when he is out .

I have also started kitting out some designs and using up lots of old bits of Aida and all old materials , they are great for cards and small stitching , I have about 5 bags now left over from larger stitching I hate to waste them .

I did manage to stitch more Birthday and Easter cards  will show at a later date .

But I did manage to stitch a lovely design from Dany called Spring .

                                                         I used a oddment of  fabric  from one of my bags.
                                                              I put just a couple of Valentine bits out .


                                                  Our cards to each other .

                      Hubby could not find any Red Roses , never mind the yellow are wonderful.

The other day there was such a noise  I thought this Air Ambulance was landing on our roof .
it landed in our local park .

So I will leave you all with some garden plants .
Spring is not that far away .

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

A sunny day at last .

Hello  all,  hope you are getting a few rays of sunshine .

We are now getting a little more sunshine , our garden can not take any more rain .

I have a free day today so thought I better come and put a blog on .

Every time I started to think about it , in this crazy life something happens .

So I am back stitching again , I have  already stitched a few Easter cards , but can't show you yet but I also stitched a couple of Birthday cards that I can .

I have started a new puzzle which may take me a year to do , it's big and allot of funny shapes. it might take me for ever. 

I have also been sorting , and that's not good , I get in more of a mess when I sort , I have so many kits and  charts and I want to stitch them now , but there is also 3 big boxes of UFOs .

I must get some kind of system going , or I will be stitching in my next life , ! 

                                              First up two cards I stitched for blogging friends birthdays .

                                                       This week hubby brought me Yellow roses .

                                                           These are just beautiful .

New Puzzle boy it's so hard  

                                 I also found a few flowers in the garden .

                                         Flowers out for February .



More stitching next week , I need to get more photos taken .

Monday, 27 January 2025

 Good morning all.  Hope you all had a good week .

We had some sunshine at last , but looks like it will get colder again soon.

I don't like the dull days , you can't see to do anything .

I did manage  to finish the puzzle ,worked on all my stitching lots of Easter and Birthday cards stitched , a few more then on to my larger stitching , when we get better daytime light.

I have been sorting to and have bag fulls of goodies to give out to our local stitching and knitting group . 

They make some beautiful goodies and the money goes to a life boats on our coast.

It's good for me and for them .

Bulbs are starting to break through the soil . So that's something to look forward to.

Hubby brought me my first daffodils of the year this week they are very pale yellow but so pretty.

 I am starting to feel much better at last , this chest infection was a nasty one. 

Sorry I did not finish this post .

I could not come on before due to our nasty weather .

Lots of Lightning and thunder around with buckets of rain there are puddles in the garden .

So I will have to be very quick , before more bad weather.


This was my stick 6  but I was late with my chest infection.

Spring is in the air by Bitter designs . not sure yet how I will finish it yet , so it will go on my growing pile ! .I have a few extras to add on it to.

I forgot to show you my puzzle .

 We have many cottages like this one where we live . they are  so pretty .



Hubby brought me lots of flowers , so I won't get the winter blues.


In the garden it is so wet but we have a few Spring flowers popping out if the weather gets better I will take photos.

Have a good week I will catch up when these storms move on .

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Snow and Rain.

Snow Rain Hail and Wind !
It's not nice outside , I think you could count  the days of sunshine  on  one hand  these dull days.
Even stitching is hard to see in the daytime  so I only stitch now at night so I can see what I am doing with my light . 
I would just like to thank you all for your lovely comments you sent me and get well wishes .
I am looking forward to a busy time stitching Easter cards , a few new Easter things for my self , and need to start stitching again on my Wips or they will forever be left in my large amount of boxes.
This week I will show you the few cards I stitched for friends this year .
All I can say this Winter morning thank goodness for our hobbies , what would we do with out our crafts .
So this week here are the cards I stitched for  some friends .


                    Some cards I forgot to take a photo  sorry.
                 I did start a new  puzzle almost done.
                      Not easy , even thou it looks easy.
                   I will be back with you soon have a good week.
        Have a happy week all , and stay safe with this strange weather                            we are all having .


Friday, 3 January 2025


Happy New Year all. 

Well that was not the best of Christmases  for us  this year I caught a chest infection ,

Still with me but not so bad now ,  So I will show you the beautiful cards I was sent over Christmas.


           From Carol so cute                                                     from Martina 


                    From Andrea                             and                 Manuela 



From Nancy                      and                          Gabi                  and          Vickie .

Also some lovely handmade  beautiful cards .

                                      From Jan  and Sue.


from Sheryl and Erna and Jutta.

OH I am so blessed by my dear friends , Thank you so much , and so many lovely gifts .

It's took me ages to put on this blog , I forgot how to do it just shows you .

Also they changed all my settings .

Our friends sent a large picture from our holiday this year how kind is that.

I will be back soon , I have missed you all . Have a lovely Weekend .

Monday, 23 December 2024


HAPPY CHRISTMAS, to all my dear friends .

Sorry I have not been around , so very busy and a bad cold on top of it all.

I am looking forward  to popping back the  New Year .

I just want to also thank everyone for the lovely gifts and cards you have sent me .

I will show you all soon.  Have a lovely Christmas with your loved ones  and a Happy New Year.

I can't wait to get back to my stitching again soon .

Hope Santa pops in to see you all  this week , Hugs June.