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Monday, 7 March 2022

Peace to all.

I wish  all my friends all over the world peace , and peace will always win in the end ! 

We  have had a good week weather wise , even had coffee in the garden and it is bursting into colour .

But winter has not gone yet , it will  still have a sting in it's tail , always does .

Today is bitter cold .

I still find that the time is rolling away to fast , I wish it could slow down a little .

So today a little stitching and gardening to show you .

I will leave the book untill next week so I can show you more flowers.

Ok first up is a little letter for Clare's tree this year .

                         Then my tea cup SAL I have been working on this week .

                                                         Not much to see yet


                                                        My puzzle is growing .

   And now I will leave you with garden flowers my seeds I have sowed and flowers brought and 

                                from the garden and gifts .


Below gifts from friends 

                                                  Also from friends 

                                                Our pots are now blooming 

A gift from hubby


Below cut from the garden

Flowers from hubby 

I have been starting lots of seeds for the garden .

                                                                           STAY SAFE ALL .


  1. Dear June,the teacup will be very lovely. Belated
    gratulations to your 55th anniversary! And hubby still buys flowers for you - you are indeed a lucky lady 😊
    Greetings from Ursula

  2. I enjoyed your post today. Lovely stitching and beautiful flowers. big hugs stay safe and warm.

  3. Your S for Sunflower is so sweet! Lovely photos of the flowers as usual.

  4. Your stitchery is so pretty and those flowers a wonderful!

  5. Dear June, may your wish for peace be immediately fulfilled!
    Very pretty the embroidered letter S and the cup is growing well too (like the puzzle) But the flowers in your garden are beautiful and heart-warming.
    See you soon, a hug ciao Susanna

  6. Your flowers are beautiful June. It is wonderful to see signs of spring popping up in your blog ... as we go into autumn here & it is Oh So welcome after the long hot summer. Enjoy your week June. xx

  7. Very nice small but fine progress in your stitching. And your puzzle keeps growing too.
    Such beautiful flowers, my daffodils are taking a little longer to bloom.
    enjoy your week, Martina

  8. Ici, nous sommes toujours en hiver. L'air est glacial malgré un timide rayon de soleil. Tes broderies et tes fleurs sont très jolies.Câlins et belle semaine chère June.

  9. Dear June, thank you for this peaceful contribution, it's good to see your progress with your embroidery, also the many beautiful flower pictures, how nice, my husband still buys flowers every for me, not so often ;-)
    Lovely wishes, Jutta

  10. Such a lovely header, June! I hope and pray that some settlement for peace will be reached soon. I can't fathom living in those conditions like the brave Ukrainian people are...

    Such a pretty stitched sunflower and beautiful real flowers as well. I'm sure watching those little seedlings grow gives you hope for the future. Take care, dear June ♥

  11. Your stitching is wonderful. The tea with the roses are so beautiful.
    Wonderful flowers.
    Have a nice week. Manuela

  12. The letter you sent is beautiful, thank you so much for stitching a letter for the Alphabet Tree. Your flowers certainly show spring is on its way.

  13. It's lovely to see signs of spring everywhere, your flowers are beautiful, as is your stitching.

  14. Very pretty sunflower S! I am sure Clare will be pleased with it. Great puzzle progress and your tea cup looks great.

  15. Wonderfull handwork and wonderfull flowers.I love Spring time.
    I think about flowers to my boxs...

  16. Beautiful stitching. The tea cup SAL seems to be a big project. Wonderful violet tulips...never seen.
    Have a nice week end,

  17. Your sunflower/letter for Clare is so pretty!! Beautiful flower gifts and the flowers in the vase just says "Spring"!! Love it. Hope the weather warms for you, we get teased with a beautiful day and then more snow. Spring will soon be here and I hope Peace in the world comes with it.

  18. Such a beautiful sunflower! Your flowerpot will become also pretty and I like your wonderful springflowers and the roses.
    Hugs Erna

  19. I like the teacup. The puzzle grew and the sunflower for Clares is so beautiful. I pray for peace.
    Hugs Andrea

  20. Pretty stitching and the gorgeous flowers show us that Spring is almost here. - love the pretty vase.
