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Monday, 30 October 2023

Lots of rain.

Well we have had so much rain this week , it's a wonder I have not got two web feet like a duck.

Today  we have had more sunshine BUT it won't last we have a bad storm coming in this week  with 

100 mph  winds so there will be damage and flooding to look forward to. 

Looks like we are all getting strange weather this year .

We were talking to a man who said they use to have the sea come right in for miles , he was right because some stone's we brought from a local pit had shells inside and that man there said that's how far the sea use to come in many years ago , so I wonder did it happen before . I know from reading books that we were joined to Europe once and we were tropical .

So yes it maybe it all happened before .

So it's time to show my stick 6 in 2023  with Martina and Manuela.

Well I wanted to stitch this card for a lady who loves Bears , I just could not wait to fluff his scarf up.

                                 Bothy Threads - Xmas Bear 

             I had to work with some wool and then you brush it .

                                                                        Nice and fluffy .

          Last night we went to an awards event  , and I was given a nice bunch of flowers .

                                                        How nice was that .

              Well tomorrow it's trick or treat night , so I have some sweets ready for the children .

             That's if they come out in the rain !


So that's really my week , but I have started writing out Christmas cards and wrapping up gifts so this is early for me , but the next few weeks will be a very busy time now right up to Christmas day .

So I did promise myself this year to start early , so I can sit back and enjoy every thing .

                                                                    GIVE AWAY 

 If any one would like to stitch the Xmas Bear you can have the chart and what threads are left  . If there are more than one of you I will draw out the names from a hat . 

Have a lovely week all .




  1. We're having the same rainy weather here, June! And tomorrow night (Halloween night) we are due to have a bad freeze. I feel sad for the little ones out on such a cold night. I wonder if that will reduce the number of trick-or-treaters we get? Your treats look very tasty--I would grab the Snickers bar--ha ha! Your bear and his fluffy scarf turned out so cute. And the flowers you received are lovely. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead, my friend ♥

  2. That card is just beautiful June. So sweet. The flowers are lovely - how special to be given those. In the 22 years we have lived here, I have only ever had one trick or treater call in. Probably because we are rural. I wonder if I will see any tonight. xx

  3. Piove continuamente anche qui in Italia, ma fa caldo. Bellissimo il tuo orso, buon Halloween!

  4. It’s such a lovely card, your friend will be thrilled. I especially like the scarf, it’s this kind of detail which really makes a difference to a design. I would love the opportunity to stitch it. Such glorious flowers too, we all need some cheerful colours at this time of year.

  5. Lovely card June, it's rainy here we're expecting the storm overnight. We rarely get trick and treaters but we have a few sweets in ready just in case

  6. Hi Clare: The bear is adorable and the scarf is perfect for him.
    The flowers are lovely, I see a snickers hiding in the canbdy bowl, yum.


  7. Oh June, the bear is so cute, I love bears and you made a beautiful card, the recipient will be happy. And the idea with the scarf was very successful.
    We also have a lot of rain, but at the moment it looks like there will be some sunshine, which really lifts my mood. I don't like the wet and cloudy days at all.
    Enjoy the rest of the week,

  8. Hello JUne,
    the bear is very cute. I had stitched it years ago too.
    Hope you had a nice Halloween night.
    Enjoy the day, Manuela

  9. We are definitely having a cold snap here in KS. Made for quick trick or treating last night. Love your flowers! And would love to stitch the cozy bear - please add my name for the drawing. Happy November! Karen G.

  10. Dear June,
    your bear looks so cozy with his scarf. Your sweets will be perfect for Halloween and little ghosts ;-)
    Enjoy the rest of the week, hugs Erna

  11. How beautiful the bear has become. The fluffy scarf will keep him warm this season, nice idea.
    The little Halloween spirits were definitely happy about the sweets.
    Hopefully the storm doesn't hit you too hard. We won't notice much of it here in Bavaria, the storm is passing north of us.
    Enjoy the rest of the week.
    Hugs Andrea

  12. Dear June,
    oh, you did a great job with the bear card, the fluffy scarf looks real.
    Children only rang our doorbell once on Halloween, last year no one was there, but we had terrible weather on Halloween evening. Hopefully you didn't have any damage from the storm.
    Have a nice weekend and thank you for your comment, hugs, Jutta

  13. Dear June, a cute bear with a warm scarf!
    The storm has hit by now and I hope you have not had damage to your house and garden. This kind of weather is here to stay and getting worse ;-((

  14. Quelle idée merveilleuse pour la finition de l'écharpe.
    Nous sommes également sous la pluie et la tempête et restons calfeutrés.
    Je te souhaite une douce fin de semaine et t'envoie toute ma tendresse.

  15. So cute this stitched little teddy bear, June ,winter comes, so the red shawl is necessary. We had frost here the first night, so far my garden hasn't suffered.
    Happy stitching, Anna

  16. Ciao June, bad weather here with very strong winds and excessive rain, but until a few days ago it was still practically summer! The postcard of the bear with the three-dimensional scarf is enchanting and congratulations on the beautiful flowers received at the awards ceremony. Best regards
