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Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Late this week.

 Hi friends , 

Well  I am late this week blogging , it's been a busy week again .

But I am getting lots of things done at home , I have wrote alot of Christmas cards out and brought and wrapped lots of gifts , so I am almost done , then the start of December  (which  won't be long ) I can start cleaning and decorating then sit back and relax .

I made myself start early this year instead of putting it off and rushing around , like most years .

We have our first Christmas time dinner coming up this Saturday , looking forward to this , and seeing friends.

I stitched this little man this week . 

                                          Let it Snow by Lizze Kate .

                               I  think this backing will go just right , with the stitching .

                     I have has my first Christmas card from the lovely Gabi below , I love him .


           What a beauty and a lovely chart too,  lots of Christmas stitching for me to do for next year .

                                   Thank you so much my lovely friend .

 We had a milder week apart from rain , so I did take a few more pictures of what was flowering this week.


Not sure how many more flowers will pop out , we have colder weather to come .

Well my friends I will try and be back early next week , enjoy the rest of this week , and the run up to December .


  1. Hello June: Its that time of year when everyone is excited about the Holidays, I love Christmas. Your Snowman is adorable, I like the backing fabric perfect for him.
    Nice card from Gabi, the chart has some adorable designs in it.
    Lovely flower photos thank-you for sharing.


  2. I like your snow man, have a great dinner. Love the last of the flowers. big hugs Lynda Ruth

  3. Hi June, lovely snowman stitching and how nice to get a stitched Christmas card from your friend. I wish I was organised with my Christmas shopping etc like you, it seems the weeks are flying by right now but I know I will get everything sorted before too long. Enjoy your first Christmas function coming up this weekend. Take care, Katrina x

  4. You might be late posting but you're early (and organised) for Christmas. Our decorations don't go up until after the 7th but I am decorating my church tree next week

  5. Your little LK piece is adorable as is the card from Gabi! I am just amazed that you still have flowers in your garden, June! I hope you continue to have a mild winter. Have a great week ♥

  6. Bravissima, sei già quasi pronta per il Natale! Io sto ricamando qualche ornamento e poi vorrei iniziare a decorare casa e a preparare i regali

  7. Hello June,
    the little snowman is very cute. A lovely card and chart from Gabi
    Enjoy your first Christmas diner.
    Have a nice week. Manuela

  8. I love your snowman. Gabi's Christmas card is beautiful and she sent along motifs for next year's cards. How beautifully your flowers still bloom!
    Hugs Andrea

  9. So cute this little snowman, June ! Also love the christmas Card from Gabi.
    Whishing happy weekend, Anna

  10. It sounds like you are fulfilling a great plan for the holidays. Your flowers
    continue to impress. Following our Thanksgiving tradition, the paper white narcissus are set in their canton bowls for Christmas blooming and fragrance.
    Always a joyful sight. A very blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  11. Your little snowman is just delightful June. I have pulled some presents out of the cupboard & hope to wrap some of them this afternoon. It will be good to get some of it done & off my mind. xx

  12. I love that little snowman you have stitched. A friend gifted me that years ago, and I put him out every year. :) Your first card is wonderful!

  13. A cute little finish, and when winter comes you'll have a beautiful new decoration.
    The card from GAbi is cute.
    It's frosty here too, and today the sun will finally shine, I hope so.
    Enjoy your new week

  14. Another cute snowman June! Congrats on your finish! It looks like that backing matches his hat perfectly. Hope you had a great dinner on Saturday. Have a great week.

  15. Dear June,
    It is time for snowmen, at least on fabric;-) You stitched a very cute one. Many places in Germany have snow already but you still have flowers in your garden!
    Happy stitching!
