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Thursday, 18 January 2024

Far to cold .

Hi all, 

I hate cold weather and last night was the coldest on record  for us in the UK.  We both have  fluffy blankets over us at night watching TV . Still cold with the heating on.

This week to keep warm I have been working upstairs packing away all the rest of the Christmas bits . and then looked at my upstairs craft room and knew I just had to sort it out . So I took every thing out and started this big job , another week and should be done . there were beads floss and charts all over the place  I have filled two big bags for my stitching friends , they love looking at all my mags and books .

Hubby is also clearing the garage out when he can , but it's to cold . We are going to do this every year now , It's the right time when it's cold . I have also started in the kitchen  clearing any thing I no longer use is going . Through life you collect so many things . I do pass most of it down to my family , They love every thing .

I have been stitching many cards for this year already and just starting on Easter ones which I can't show you yet , and I am digging into the big box of large UFO stitching , I will show the one I worked on last week, and I just dug in for this weeks ,  I have so many , so I need to keep working on them with smalls and cards  this year.

So here is this weeks out again and I really enjoyed stitching on this one .


                                    SUMMER NESTING BOX  BY  VERVACO .

Just started on the bird box , it's nice to stitch onto this one  after stitching on my smalls .

       And hubby did bring me back some lovely daffodils  to sit next to my stitching from last year .

One lady down the road has some lovely early  daffodils out now  .my ones are only just popping through the ground , I think they will pop back ha when they feel the cold .

 Have a good week all , think of me with all my mess , but it will be worth it , I have found loads of charts I forgot I had.


  1. Dearest June, I have a friend in London and I know how cold you are feeling. The weather here is pretty crazy: it goes from 15° to the snow and freezing cold that they predicted for tonight! But it's the very strong wind that scares me and is causing us damage.
    It's so nice to see the enthusiasm you have in arranging and rearranging your embroidery supplies. The works you show us are very beautiful and joyfully colourful. As always your husband is so kind and thoughtful giving you those beautiful yellow daffodils.
    Good weekend, ciao Susanna

  2. It's very cold here also
    We have about 10" of snow & below zero temps for the last week. Brrrr
    I like snow, but not the very cold temps.
    Those are some beautiful pieces, so pretty 7 colorful.
    Stay warm!

  3. Hello June,
    your old stitchy project looks wonderful. Have a lot of fun to stitch on it.
    We have cold weather, but not so many snow as in south Germany.
    Have a nice weekend, Manuela

  4. With the beautiful embroidery and the daffodils you can bring spring into your home. I also clear out and tidy up, so much accumulates over time.
    Enjoy the weekend
    ​Hugs Andrea

  5. It's been very cold here, too, June! Not much snow, though--only about 4 inches. It's lovely to look at and I'm so glad I can just sit inside and stitch (and clean, and cook, and do laundry--ha ha!). Love your summer piece and how wonderful to have daffodils to brighten up your wintry days. Hope you have a lovely weekend ♥

  6. Precioso bordado. BESICOS.

  7. It's always good to have a sort through, it's amazing what is found. Your daffodils are lovely and cheerful

  8. Hello dear June,
    I also clean up and I can understand you very well, it's a lot of work, but when everything is finished you can be very proud of yourself.
    I really like your embroidery work from Vervaco, keep it up.
    It's very cold here, too.
    Have a very nice Sunday, hugs, Jutta

  9. When sorting out a lot of beautiful embroideries come to light again,
    that's how i feel too, dear June. Here it's very frosty too, at the moment.
    Winter will have us under it's control for even longer.
    I wish you good luck with your clean-up work, also have fun
    and i'm thinking of you, Anna

  10. I don't like the cold either, it's been getting milder since yesterday, the snow is almost gone, but we now have windy and rainy weather.
    That's right, now you can start with the spring stitching.
    Have lots of fun with it.

  11. My friends in Suffolk told me that it has been very, very cold there. Here where I leave in the of Italy, we have had cold days too and a few snow on the mountains around. Your embroidery is very nice and I think that you have a big treasure in your craft room.
    Take care June, big hug,

  12. I'm doing another Temperature SAL this year so I've been tracking all our blue and lilac days! It's nice to see such a lovely colourful Spring floral design on your blog.

  13. Dear June,
    your embroideries let me feel like in Spring, so lovely colours! Yesterday it was very warm, today we had rain, but I heard in Ireland and GB was storm.
    Take care and have nice days, Erna

  14. I don't like cleaning up my craft area! It takes so long with so many distractions! The Summer Nesting Box is very pretty!!
