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Sunday, 28 April 2024

Some Sunshine .

Oh well this week we did get a few sunny days , but also lots of rain , but I didn't mind if we get some sunshine with it .

I am still sorting out in my craft room trouble is I keep finding some lovely charts .

I am wondering how I will  ever get to stitch them all.

Maybe I can find an extra few hours , but I have started to get a little pain in my hand , if I stitch to much , I have sent for some magnet gloves that do help.

This week it's time to show  our Stick 6. that Manuela and Martina host 

Thank you both .

                                         Easter and Summer . 

I stitched a Spring one rather than Easter hope you don't mined girls.

         Next one will be a rose so I will look in my box for a pretty one.

Talking about roses I had a big shock , when I was in the garden weeding and de-heading I looked up and could see 2 yellow flowers I thought they were Tulips when I walked up I was shocked to see two beautiful roses fully out with an Iris, What! roses in April no way , but yes they were there saying hello to me .

 This morning I worked in the garden and filled two buckets up of dead heads and leaves I am happy I did because the showers are now back again .

      So the spring stitch was Violets , by designer the lovely Danny .

                     I found some wild violet by the bird bath .


I will start this puzzle this week looks fun.
I brought this rock plant this week 
I just loved the deep pink.
Cotyledon Elise. 

              I told you , I could not believe my eyes Roses in April .

            I even had to drag hubby up to see them ,he thought I was dreaming .HA 



                                   Hope you all have a perfect week.


  1. June: Your violet pillow is lovely, the puzzle looks fun.
    The yellow rose is lovely, spring is so refreshing, it always smells o clean and fresh, we are having rainy days here the farmers are a bit behind getting the seeds in the ground.
    Love the floral photos.


  2. Cara June, se penso a quanti schemi nuovi fiammanti posseggo o addirittura kit di cui mi sono innamorata e sono ancora nel cellophane.... molto bello il cuscinetto con le viole ricamate. Quel puzzle sembra complicato ma decisamente simpatico! Fantastiche le rose e anche nel mio giardino ne ho già di belle, pur essendo ad aprile e continuano a mostrare boccioli nuovi. Desidero augurarti un buon inizio di Maggio
    Ciao Susanna

  3. Here too, after the rain and cloudy weather, the sun is finally coming out and it is wonderful.
    A sweet little motif with the violets, I love it when they smell. And Dany makes beautiful patterns.
    There are no flowers on my roses yet, but they are growing well, now I still have to fertilize them.
    Have a nice week,

  4. So pleased you are getting nicer weather at last June. We need the rain in the spring time to water it all & keep it nice & green. Your violets cushion is just adorable. xx

  5. What a beautiful Violet projects.
    As always, your flowers are gorgeous, love the yellow Rose!
    We are getting a lot of rain here.

  6. The little violets are very beautiful. A lovely little fully finish.
    The puzzle motif is funny. Have fun to puzzle it.
    The first buds can be seen on my roses. I think they will start blooming next week.
    Have a nice week. Manuela

  7. Early roses! What a lovely surprise!

  8. Amazing that you have roses blooming in April, June!! Such a pretty color--I love yellow roses the most. Your violet finish is so sweet. Reminds me of my mother as I always decorated her May birthday cake with violets and lily of the valley. Hope your rain has let up by now. We are having a wonderful sunny, warm few days here. Enjoy this last bit of April ♥

  9. I imagine you doing the puzzle, I am sure you will enjoy it. The little pillow is very nice as all the flowers too.

  10. Merci pour ta gentillesse chère June. Ton jardin est capricieux et étonnant. Je te souhaite une merveilleuse semaine avec le soleil.

  11. I love violets, they are my favorite flowers. Don't rush to tidy up the atelier, it takes calm :)

  12. Such pretty violets, which should still blooming - instead you have roses in April;-)) Mine are not quite blooming but have thick buds as have the irises.
    The puzzle looks like fun - people indoors ... that's what this spring is all about;-))

  13. The violet pillow turned out great. The puzzle promises a lot of fun, have a lot of fun with it.
    My roses will take some time to bloom.
    Enjoy the week, hugs Andrea

  14. That is why you aren't suppose to clean the craft room! You find to many forgotten treasures and it takes at least twice as long. I love the Wasgij Puzzles. Can't wait to see what your picture turns out to be.

  15. Your violets are as pretty as your flowers in the garden.
    Enjoy a sunny Sunday and have a great new week. Hugs, Erna
